Physical Sciences Grade 12
Chapter 4: Organic molecules
- 4.1 What are organic molecules?
- 4.2 Organic molecular structures
- 4.3 IUPAC naming and formulae
- 4.4 Physical properties and structure
- 4.5 Applications of organic chemistry
- 4.6 Addition, elimination and substitution reactions
- 4.7 Plastics and polymers
- 4.8 Chapter summary
- End of chapter exercises
- Practice this chapter
Chapter 13: Electrochemical reactions
- 13.1 Revision of oxidation and reduction
- 13.2 Writing redox and half-reactions
- 13.3 Galvanic and electrolytic cells
- 13.4 Processes in electrochemical cells
- 13.5 The effects of current and potential on rate and equilibrium
- 13.6 Standard electrode potentials
- 13.7 Applications of electrochemistry
- 13.8 Chapter summary
- Practice this chapter
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